Developper guide#


Create environment#

We recommend using conda

conda create -n ptrms python=3.12
conda activate ptrms

Install CiGas PTR-MS#

  1. Clone repository

    git clone
    cd cigas-ptr-ms
  2. Install dependencies

    pip install .[dev,docs]
  3. Install pre-commits

    pre-commit install
    pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg

Configuraing vscode#

Recommended extensions:

  • python

  • Mypy Type Checker

  • ruff


Use the conventional commits format for your commit message. The documentation is availabe here.

Quality checks#


If you use vscode, you can use the ruff extension. The problems detected by ruff will be displayed.


Each time you commit, pre-commit will run the checks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml. The pre-commit may change the files you are trying to commit. If it does, you will need to add the changes before you are able to commit.


The project is configure to use mypy to check types.

Running tests#


Development process#

  1. Create a new branch

    git switch -c feature/my_feature
  2. Write code

  3. Write tests

  4. Run the tests

  5. Update the documentation

  6. Commit changes

  7. Push branch

  8. Create a merge request of your branch to main


The documentation use sphinx with Myst parser. To view the documentation locally, run:

cd docs
sphinx-autobuild source build

Create a relase#

  1. On the main branch

  2. Make sure the tests pass

  3. Make sure your environment is clean

  4. Generate changelog

  5. Apply pre-commit to make format of the changelog compliant

    pre-commit run --all
  6. Bump the version

    bump-my-version bump [major|minor|patch]
  7. Push the changes

    git push origin main
    git push --tags